A lot of people have been asking what Rainmeter skin I have been using
in my theme previews lately,So here it is Peeled!
This skin works best on darker wallpapers,there are 2 meters,left corner and right corner
The left has the date,time and outside temperature while the right monitors your cpu,ram
and system temperature.The system temperature requires that SpeedFan be installed and running.

Double clicking on either corner will bring up the config tool which will let you set the text color
font ad your weather location

As a bonus I included the Peeled Rocket Dock skin
There are 2 styles,one peel in toward the center of your desktop

and the other one peels out towards the edge of the desktop

The config tool is by fediaFedia https://fediafedia.deviantart.com/art...nfig-164384901
The wallpaper used in the previews is by matchbookgirl https://www.deviantart.com/art/Yin-Yang-343562409
