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Thread: Aero Glass for Win8.1 RC1 by Big Muscle x86 x64 AIO

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    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Aero Glass for Win8.1 RC1 by Big Muscle x86 x64 AIO

    AERO GLASS for Win8.1 Release Candidate 1

    Not much changes:

    * a few fixes
    * donation key is loaded from donation.key file (license.key still supported but it will be removed in the future)
    * added more error logging
    * added 32-bit build
    * added settings to tweak text glow effect: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM:TextGlowMode (DWORD): 0x0=No glow effect, 0x1=Glow effect loaded from atlas, 0x2=Glow effect loaded from atlas and theme opacity is respected, 0x3=Composited glow effect using your theme settings

    AERO GLASS for Win8.1 Candidate for Release Candidate

    I'm not sure if this build satisfies you. I didn't have much time so it does not contains much changes but maybe contains new bugs.

    * simplified some things about settings/theme loading
    * registry settings to enable/disable glass when running on battery should work again (default is "Disable glass on battery") - probably disables blur effect only and leaves full transparency now
    * multiple monitors fixes
    * offscreen render target fixes (e.g. Magnifier)
    * prepared some parts of code to build 32-bit version soon
    * caption glow is now stretched to whole frame height
    * fixed crashes/weird rendering when resource domain changes (e.g. when exiting games, changing video adapter etc.)
    * maybe some other fixes which I don't remember

    Aero Glass for Win8 -->

    AERO GLASS for Win8.1 Beta 4

    Here is Beta 4 which contains a lot of internal changes, so I hope I didn't break anything.

    * HKCU atlas loading fix
    * multi-displays and rotated displays fixes
    * optimization: do not inflate dirty regions and do not use glass safety zone when rendered region does not contain glass
    * glow bitmap is read from system theme (or custom atlas if used), however, only horizontal sizing margins are respected due to the fact how Win8.1 deals with window caption (it seems to be a bug in DWM itself); vertical margins are always zero and glow bitmap is stretch over whole caption height
    * because there is no appropriate theme part to be used for reflection bitmap (aero peek background is not suitable), the reflection bitmap is read from PNG file specified in registry HKCU(or HKLM)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM:CustomThemeReflection (SZ_STRING)
    * renamed registry settings CustomThemeResource to CustomThemeAtlas

    You still need to manually download symbols for udwm.dll, dwmcore.dll and dwm.exe else it won't work.

    Read more

    Aero Glass for win8.1 RTM Beta 4 and symbols SETUP:

    DWMGlass.dll Beta 4 Setup: Copy DWMGlass.dll TO C:\AeroGlass

    Windows SDK for Windows 8.1:

    Goto: https://msdn.microsof...esktop/bg162891

    Download: Windows SDK for Windows 8.1

    Setup: Only install Debugging Tools for Windows

    Regedit Setup:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
    Into New Text Document and Save As AeroGlass.reg and Merge

    Symbols Setup:

    MKDIR %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls
    CD C:\Windows\System32
    XCOPY "dwm.exe" %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls
    XCOPY "dwmcore.dll" %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls
    XCOPY "uDWM.dll" %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls
    CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Debuggers\x64
    SYMCHK /r %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls /s SRV*C:\AeroGlass\symbols\*
    RD /S /Q "%userprofile%\appdata\local\temp\dlls" INTO New Text Document and Save As symbols.cmd
    Run symbols.cmd As (Admin) UNTIL YOU HAVE dwm.pdb & dwmcore.pdb & uDWM.pdb IN C:\AeroGlass\symbols

    Best to UPDATE Windows 8.1 FIRST.
    I also included the symbols from my setup that may or may not work for you, if you cant figure out how to manually get them then try mine, alternatively buy a license and they will be downloaded automatically.

    Update: RC1 now available for x86 and x64 I have provided a custom AIO installer that also comes with my Updated version of Aero Glass Configurator 2.0
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mr GRiM; December 5th, 2013 at 10:32 PM.

    Please do not PM me to ask for support - please use the relevant thread or forum.
    Please Post in English or at least include English Translations


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