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Thread: the new windows 8.1.1

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    musclehead52 is offline

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    the new windows 8.1.1

    well I just cant stand it so I gotta razz all u 8.1 haters out there as of this morning I guess its really 8.1.1.:0 I have been downloading an upgrade and a ton of files from Microsoft.I now have a mic for my desktop,a receptionist that can answer the phone and actually carry on a conversation. Upgrade of zira to zira pro.A few more voices A crapload of text and speech upgrades to automated AI system.A program to teach me how to use it all.New 8.1 macros ,new files to replace the c# with files from micro.the same as the AIML Artificial Intelligence files that can learn.Wow! and Im still downloadin more stuff.Awesome is all I can say.Well-MOVE over Scotty cause I don't need a mouse and keyboard anymore.Yu guys better get on the wagon,I knew 8.1 was way more than just an Operating system.HELL yes.Im Pretty sure some 3d is coming cause I got some kenect face recognition ect.upgrades also.Wowsers.Got work to do.later Oh yeah and files so my pc dictates while I tell it what to write or who to contact.
    Last edited by musclehead52; February 22nd, 2014 at 10:00 PM.


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