I have been trying to get the change of the control Panel left sideboard to come out right, but I always seem to be able to see the resource of 632 coming through. There is a little app I used from The Windows club I believe called Task Pane Changer and it does the changing automatically for you. It has color and Glass which I thought were 633 and 632 in Restorator/BMP. You just open the app click color and pick your .BMP file from your choices and restart your computer. When you restart your computer the sideboard has changed but you can see the Windows 7 632 Resource .BMP of Shell 32.dll showing through. The normal resource has like grey/white big diagonal stripes and they somehow show through. What I need is a way to replace the sideboard without the underneath resource (632) from showing through. Do I need to change both resources for the sideboard to change properly or do I just need to change 633. I know that both 632 & 633 are different sizes, but are they supposed to look the same or is one a solid and the other a picture? What is the best way to make this right?