I've been learning about custom themes lately and have run into a few issues. I'm on Windows 8.1 x64

I installed the HUD Evolution themeset.

The issue I ran into with this is certain boxes in explorer (such as the menu bar) not being the color of a theme I applied. I completed the remove steps, but found some issues.

I tried to install the Aero Glass for 8.1 (yes I had the right package) but it said that DWM was incompatible and was a nightmare to uninstall.

So I tried to completely remove the themes and uninstall UXPatcher, this leads to a flashing black screen where I can see the mousepointer but I can't do anything else. This now permanently effects me when I try to boot into safemode as well.

I would like to experiment more with custom themes but I want to get my system working properly and set up a restore point before I go any further.

I'm willing to read and learn, but can't seem to find proper resources about this subject, just downloads for apps and howtos. How can I go about removing any and all of this stuff so that I can set up a proper restore point then begin experimenting. I just got this laptop set up how and I want it and do not want to go through a complete reinstall, plus I use it at school.

Thanks for the help guys.