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Thread: Cyberfox Performance

  1. #1
    Damien Lestat is offline
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    Cyberfox Performance

    How does Cyberfox perform for you? For some reason, on my laptop Cyberfox lags like crazy. Videos are choppy and do not buffer fast, and scrolling on Facebook is horrible. I scroll a few windows down on FB and it locks up for a bit then moves back to scrolling. I have installed the correct version (Red Icon for AMD 64bit). I have tried all the browsers for 2 weeks each. IE is a joke, Firefox is ok , I will admit Cyberfox did seem to perform better than regular Firefox. But Chrome was the best and fastest. So I would like to see how many like Cyberfox and see if it is just machine specific or a general consensus.

  2. #2
    Lito is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien Lestat View Post
    How does Cyberfox perform for you? For some reason, on my laptop Cyberfox lags like crazy. Videos are choppy and do not buffer fast, and scrolling on Facebook is horrible. I scroll a few windows down on FB and it locks up for a bit then moves back to scrolling. I have installed the correct version (Red Icon for AMD 64bit). I have tried all the browsers for 2 weeks each. IE is a joke, Firefox is ok , I will admit Cyberfox did seem to perform better than regular Firefox. But Chrome was the best and fastest. So I would like to see how many like Cyberfox and see if it is just machine specific or a general consensus.
    I've got one question and then of course a response to yours ........................ How did you be able to start a new thread bcuz on mine i cant see the button to do that ?? i use to be able to but now its gone and my cyberfox is working like smooth butter even with my themes applied to it....... i've heard stories about chrome although i use it some but i think i use cyberfox more than any and everynow and then i use my palemoon now that is pretty darn fast but mort importantly i refuse to go to IE unless i have HP issues and those guys at HP help out but for me bro its cyberfox and palemoon & chrome

    BTW i run lavafox on my firefox it it runs just like my cyberfox so its the foxes ............

  3. #3
    2635599 is offline

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    cyberfox is fine here. as for chrome it only has speed because it's so striped down.

  4. #4
    personally i use chrome.I have tried cyberfox,firefox..etc and they are buggy and laggy for me not only initiates faster on startup,but i find no lag whatsoever.It runs smooth and pages load much faster.But i assume it all depends on your system.I have windows 7 x64 bit.But that does not mean that a x64 bit browser is going to be faster on my system.Maybe if i had more then 4 gigs of ram,i might see ah little difference,but not much.I am pretty sure with cyberfox that you must also install adobe flash,where as chrome has it built in and updates itself automatically.I think cyberfox and firefox are basically for those who like add ons and who are concerned about privacy.Me,why i just surf the net,download a few pics,movies,music..etc.So chrome is just perfect for me.But everyone has their difference in opinion.Whatever makes you happy


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