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Thread: How to install and setup your customization applications on Windows 8.1.1

  1. #1
    Lamia is offline
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    Star How to install and setup your customization applications on Windows 8.1.1

    Dear Virtual Customs community

    since few people ask me about it, in this thread i'm gonna explain order of installing customization applications on your fresh installed Windows 8.1/8.1.1 OS,
    also what default custom settings you should use, so all themes works the way they are displayed on my imported theme threads!

    Before we start, make sure that you:

    - install all drivers you need for your PC or laptop (specially display drivers),
    - update your Windows via Windows update and get all latest updates (just in case),
    - run default Windows Aero Theme,
    -turn off or disable User Account Control (like on picture below) and later restart your PC/laptop.

    After all this follow instructions below, let's start clean!

    1.1 UltraUXThemePatcher 3.1.2 or up!

    - After you download it from link above, simply right click on downloaded file and run it as Administrator.
    - During the installation window of this application
    there is no custom settings to check,
    so simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC).
    UPDATE: If you using this application, keep in mind if you want to update your PC via Windows Update,
    first you need to do is select default windows theme, apply default system metrics file (
    Default Windows 8.1 Aero Metrics.reg),
    then uninstall this application, restart your PC, update your pc with new windows updates and when you install them all,
    then again install this software so you can again use custom themes on your PC!

    1.2 UXStyle or up!

    - After you download it from link above, simply right click on downloaded file and run it as Administrator.
    - During the installation window of this application you need to check that you agree installing it on your PC
    so simply check that and click next and install application (if application request, restart your PC).
    IMPORTANT: If you update your PC with Windows Updates regularly, then this is customization application for you, why?
    Cause every time you install any new update from Windows update you don't need to uninstall this application,
    it wont damage your PC (black start up screen, cutted display monitor picture etc.)!

    2. OldNewExplorer or up!

    - After you download this application, extract it from archive to new folder on your desktop, rename it to ''OldNewExplorer''.
    - Now i recommend that you move that renamed OldNewExplorer folder to
    C:\Program Files\OldNewExplorer (the way it looks on the picture below).
    - After you move it to following path, right click on
    OldNewExplorerCfg.exe and run it as Administrator and use custom settings displayed on picture below and then click Install, then close application!
    - If changes don't apply right away, then sign out or restart your OS to take effect!

    3. AeroGlass 1.4.5 or up!

    - After you download this application, right click on it and run it as Administrator.
    - During the installation window of this application only thing that is VERY IMPORTANT,
    that on following step of installation window (preview picture) you UNCHECK those 2 areas.

    - After you uncheck that 2 settings, simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC),
    later you don't need to setup anything for this application!

    UPDATE: If some of you experience DWM startup popup error on your Windows 8.1.1 OS,
    extract this (
    symbols.7z) into your Aero Glass instalation directory after installation and restart OS to take effects!

    4. StartIsBack+ 1.7.5 or up!

    - After you download this application, right click on it and run it as Administrator.
    - During the installation window of this application only thing that i recommend is to install it for all users on your PC or laptop.
    - After you check that setting, simply click next, agree and install application (if application request restart your PC).
    - How to set it up? I try to explain it in details from preview picture below!

    - On left side you have 5 Tabs.
    - Start Menu, Switching and Advanced tabs i leave up to you to customized the way you like!
    - After you customized those 3 tabs, go to Appearance tab.
    - When you load your custom theme on your OS, usually always the first left start menu (red circle on picture),
    is your custom theme menu, click ones on that menu and click apply then OK, and your custom menu will load with your custom theme!
    - Usually on first start StartIsBack+ offers his default start menu (yellow circle on picture) so if you don't want to use custom start menu,
    you can switch to default ones any time, by clicking on then and apply them!
    - To use custom Start Orbs first you need to do is go to ''Add'' button (Green circle on picture) and navigate to:
    C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\THEMENAME (you currently use)\Start Orb or Explorer.exe directory,
    (usually here are located custom start orbs from themes you apply), choose one you like and click Add.
    - After you add it to StartIsBack+ your custom start orb should appear in application (blue circle on picture),
    click ones on that custom start orb and click Apply then OK!

    5. Black Glass Enhanced 0.5 or up!

    - If you prefer to have transparent Windows (like on preview picture) i recommend this small application by curious9.
    - After you download this application, extract it from archive to new folder on your desktop, rename it to ''Black Glass Enhanced 0.5''.
    - Now i recommend that you move that renamed folder to
    C:\Program Files\Black Glass Enhanced 0.5 (the way it looks on the picture).

    After you move it to following path, right click on BlackGlassEnhanced.exe and run it as Administrator, if small application don't appear like on picture above,
    go to your system nortification area and right click on it and click Options (like on picture below)!

    - If you want that this application start up with your windows simply click on Enable Button in application window!
    - You can add transparent into other areas also, simply type application name and it will make it transparent ex. notepad.exe!

    6. FONTS

    - Some themes use custom fonts (not default ones you get with your OS),
    if you don't install it manually, your theme wont look the same as on previews in theme threads.
    - To install fonts, first you need to find them either in downloaded theme extras folder or within Theme folder in Fonts folder.
    - When you navigate to Fonts folder you can install them in 2 ways:
    - Either right-click on every font file and click Install,
    - Or you can open Fonts Window under Control Panel and using drag and drop method drop all font's files into open Fonts Window.
    - After installing fonts on your OS, if theme don't load with custom fonts,
    either sign out or restart your OS to take effects!

    If i miss anything or if you still have any questions feel free to ask, also check if your question is already answered in comments section!

    Last edited by Lamia; August 26th, 2016 at 08:42 PM. Reason: Added more detailed instructions and updates!
    If you like theme's & material's from Artist, give them support by reputation!

  2. #2
    poweredbyostx is offline

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    Amazing tutorial, it's gonna be very helpful. Thanks for thread.

  3. #3
    beagleman1701 is offline
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    thanks for the tutorial
    Once more into the fray. into the last good fight i'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.

  4. #4
    Originalganjaman is offline
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    A must have tutorial and very detailed, thanks mate

  5. #5
    2635599 is offline

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    Lamia after i do my install tomorrow and am happy with everything i'll copy this and creat a word doc and docx, and a pdf for folks to download.

  6. #6
    Lito is offline

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    Awesome tut Lamia............. Much appreciated

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