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Thread: Get rid of "Unsaved Theme" in Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1

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    Dark Knight is offline
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    Get rid of "Unsaved Theme" in Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1

    I know this probably doesn't belong here so I am going to ask one of the mods to put it where they think it fits best.

    I had problem for a while of Windows constantly generating an "Unsaved Theme" in Appearance and Personalization and I keep seeing in forums people asking the question on how to get rid of the "Unsaved Theme" that will not go away, even if you delete it and reboot, Windows will just regenerate it.

    The folks over at Microsoft seemed to be baffled by it and others tell you to download Compare it! and do a bunch of junk to get rid of it that in the end ..... does not work.
    You don't need Compare it!, you don't need any special software, all you need is notepad.

    I Give You The Answer:

    The problem 99.9% of the time is your wallpaper, if you are using any other wallpaper besides the wallpaper intended for the theme Windows will generate an "unsaved theme".

    Simply open notepad as administrator and open the .theme file for the theme you are using ( usually located in C:\Windows\Resources\Themes).
    If you don't see the .theme file in the window make sure you select "all files", then you will see it. Open the .theme file by selecting it then clicking "open".

    Scroll down until you see "[Control Panel\Desktop]" , it is there were the .theme file tells the theme what wallpapers to use for the theme, if you are using a wall or walls that did not come with the theme then yours are not there, simply replace the wall(s) that are there with yours. Pay attention to spelling, make sure the wall names match exactly, make sure the file extensions are correct, some may be .jpg, .jpeg, .png etc.

    You can safely delete other walls in the .theme file you may not be using, do this carefully so not to delete more code than you are supposed to.

    Click File > Save and your done.
    Reselect the theme under Appearance and Personalization, after that you will not generate anymore "unsaved themes".

    If you use custom sound files or cursors that did not come with the theme, Windows will also generate and "Unsaved Theme", in which event you will have to do the same thing but change the sound file names or cursor names in the .theme file.

    I found this out a couple of years ago after it drove me nuts for months and I am really surprised how many people are actually still wrestling with this.

    Basically, if you change anything in a theme to customize it and do not change it in the .theme file you are going to get an "Unsaved Theme".

    Hope this helps some people out.
    Last edited by Dark Knight; August 28th, 2014 at 09:09 PM.

    I believe in karma which means I can say all the bad things I want to you and just assume that you deserve it.


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