I've been doing a lot of work customizing Rocket Dock. I remember using kkmenu back in the days of WinXP. I just ran across it again looking through the massive amount of addons on the website and noticed it's not compatible with Windows 7 (x64). I have found something else entitled "Super Bar" but I'm not sure if it's the same thing, or if it is similar to kkmenu if it's compatible with kkmenu skins. I'm in the process of testing it out. I'll provide a link below if you'd like to mess around with it a bit.

I also found a Start Menu addon which looks pretty neat and a Hide/Unhide Taskbar app. With this my machine will be an ultimately Start Menu and Taskbar-free Rocket Dock based supercomputer!! Muahah... Muahah! ...HAHAHA *Cough Cough!*

I'll provide links to those as well and to my favorite Rocket Dock artist. Check it

Superbar (possible Win7 kkmenu alternative)
(original kkmenu: https://rocketdock.com/addon/docklets/1007 )

Start Menu Addon:

Hide/Unhide Taskbar:
(alternative: https://rocketdock.com/addon/misc/3425 )

Rocket Dock Artist BarktothePeople:

(This may not be the correct category for this thread. Feel free to move it somewhere more appropriate.)