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Thread: WSH Panel Mod JSPlaylist by Br3tt

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    Shemhamforash is offline

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    WSH Panel Mod JSPlaylist by Br3tt

    a new jscript for WSH PANEL MOD v1.5.6 or better, my best playlist viewer!

    * Groups (collpase or expand, add extra lines, ...)
    * Custom Group By patterns with Playlist Filter feature like in ELPlaylist
    * Custom Panel Colors
    * Smooth Scrolling
    * Arrange columns as you want, create custom columns with titleformatting and specific color
    * Playlist Header at Top (can be disabled)
    * Wallpaper as background supported (including a new blur effect)
    * Playlist Manager collapsable panel
    * Built in Settings Panel (still some minor parameter to edit in Properties of the panel)
    * Sort by clicking column header
    * Windows scaling compliant (dpi)
    * Playback statistics Engine (update file tags, now asynchronously on tracks ending)
    * ... and more!

    * foobar2000 v1.1 or better
    * WSH panel Mod v1.5.6 or better
    * Windows fonts : WingDings 1, 2 & 3


    * Font guifx v2 transports

    * disable "Safe Mode" option in WSH Panel Mod preferences (menu File>Preferences>Tools>WSH Panel Mod)
    * copy "wsh_br3tt" folder into your foobar2000 Profile folder (it only contains the jsplaylist subfolder)
    * import/paste the main JSPlaylist script into a WSH Panel Mod instance of your foobar2000 layout (DUI or CUI)
    * Important: for any Y major update of my scripts (where Y is 2nd number version => x.Y.z), replace the whole folder "wsh_br3tt\jsplaylist\" each time
    and Clear the WSH panel properties (hold SHIFT key + Right-click > Properties > "Clear" button > "OK" button)

    * Hold SHIFT key + right click to display Configure script and panel Properties entries
    * Use Jscript9 engine (if supported by your system) for better performances (known issue: high %cpu on mouse move with older Windows 8.0 versions, in this case prefer Jscript engine)
    * Change colors and fonts in foobar2000 Preferences > DefaultUI or ColumsUI
    * Some minor settings can be changed in window Properties (right click on a playlist item > Settings...), use it carefully! main settings are now built in the panel with a graphic interface
    * Left click on a column header to sort the playlist on this field
    * Right click on the columns toolbar to edit Columns and Groups layout and features
    * Use Keyboard for searching artist in the playlist (incremental search feature like in ELPlaylist) or to navigate in playlist
    * Right Click on items for contextual menu for the selection
    * TAB key or Middle Click to toggle the Playlist Manager
    * CTRL+T to toggle the columns toolbar
    * CTRL+I to toggle the top Info panel
    * Hold CTRL + Mouse Wheel to scale elements (useful for 'retina' screens)
    * F2 key to rename active playlist in playlist manager panel
    * F5 key to refresh covers
    * Special fields handled in columns TF: %list_index%, %list_total%, %isplaying%
    * Special TF function to set specific color for the text that follows it: $rgb(r,g,b) with r,g,b as decimal values [0;255]
    do not use $rgb(,r,g,b) in a test condition compare but always for the result part (then or else):
    ==> this don't work: $if($rgb(0,0,0)%title%,%title%,,)
    ==> but this does: $if(%title%,$rgb(0,0,0)%title%,,)
    * Playlist Filter Group patterns: Set a group by pattern to a playlist thru Groups settings tab or by right clicking playlist manager item
    * ... etc



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