I seemed to have this issue with this file that i deleted.It is called "DismHost.exe".The reason for deletion was that it COULD be a virus.Upon further investigation,it also could be part of my windows installation,OR from some program i installed.There was about 6 or 7 instances of dismhost.exe running on my computer.I deleted them all,rebooted with no ill effects.I even checked the error log and nothing.Error log in event viewer was clean.So now im stumped.Is there a way to extract this file from restoration disc's that i have made? There are five of them.It seems as if it is part of my windows,then it could cause me to reinstall to factory settings which this computer also has built in to it.If it from a program,then i would know because the program would be corrupt with an error message popping up.I checked every program and no errors.If it was a virus,then well,i just dumped it.I did a virus scan,but it came up clean.Confused now.computer still runs great.super fast without a glitch.i have no problems updating it or anything.Im just hoping problems don't occur in the future.Any help would be greatly appreciated.thanx