Well, really, Windows 10 is not that bad once you get used to it. I know there are still some saying "hell no! I am sticking with 7 or 8.1" but you know what? sooner or later time is going to run out for those OS's just like it did for XP and since Windows 10 is the end of the line, sooner or later they will have no other choice and even better yet, they'll have to pay full price for it.

Say what you want, stamp your feet all you want, scream all you want but your just not going to stop technology and honestly Windows 10 can only get better. Don't get me wrong, I loved XP and 7 too but if you choose not to keep up with technology, you will be forced to sooner or later because Windows 10 is it, there will be nothing after, like it or hate it. Otherwise go buy an over priced Mac.