******* hell I just lost the reply I was typing. This is the number one reason I write my shit on notepad or word and just copy-paste to the browser, sigh.

Anyway, can you use some punctuation so your instructions are less confusing? Thanks.

Quote Originally Posted by J4M3SX019 View Post
open the 7-10 wsb first import the theme you want make sure its a windows 7 theme then go to save
We already have a problem on this first step. Doing this killed 68 images and made the msstyles file corrupt. MsstyleEditor refuses to work with it.

after open theme again and save close out
This killed 2 more images, the file remains corrupt.

after open the th2 1903 wsb press import and import the theme you did
You said import rather than open but I assume you don't want me to press the "import Win7 theme" button so I didn't. I pressed Open.

after apply the 1903 stylehack and save theme then close and try applying the theme
I applied the "10 TH2 import fix" stylehack, the only one on the list, it asked me if I want to import the images which I pressed yes and saved. It added back 2 images, or it could've deleted 500 and added back 502, I don't know. File remains corrupt. I also can't apply the theme yet because I'm using Win10 21H2, not TH2. I'm not using RS1 either but RS1 is more current than TH2 so I assume I must convert to RS1 first.

Now, the instructions for converting 10 TH2 to 10 RS1 say to press "Import Win7 theme" even though it's not a Win7 theme anymore, so this contradicts my assumption to press Open rather than Win7 earlier but I'll never know without you clarifying.

1. Open the folder called "Windows Style Builder 10-10 RS1"

2. Open the WSB Program.

3. Go to File > Open > Import 7 Theme

4. Open the the Windows 10 Theme you want to import and do not save.

5. Select Import Style Hack and select "10 Import Fix" (Very important!!, will have white flashing screen if this step is missed)

6. Save your theme and then reopen it, then save it once more and your done.

Step 6 killed 22 more images. And after all that:

[Window Title]Windows Style Builder

[Main Instruction]
Error Testing MsStyles File

There was an error applying the Test MsStyles File, this usually signals an error in the MsStyles file.

What now?