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Thread: Need help please

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Alert Need help please


    I'm not sure where to post this so I'll just post here. I'm attempting to make a personal edit of the Stylish Aero skin for Mozilla Firefox's FT DeepDark Theme, but am having trouble with the min/max/close buttons. Basically I can't get the hover commands (or whatever they're called to line up. Here's a screenshot of it as it currently is.

    I've noticed that I can remove the square and line images used by the minimize and maximize buttons by adding the display: none !important string to them, but that also seems to remove the hover commands for them (or whatever they're called). Also the hover command for the close button is so far off I can't click on it without going through hell due to how close it is to the edge of the browser. Can someone please help me with this? Here is the portion of the code that claims to deals with those areas. If someone can please help me with this I would be very grateful.


    Hover Command = Button Command sorry for my bad explanation, . Simply put the button commands aren't lining up with the min/max/close buttons. I'm trying to get the FT DeepDark Aero Stylish skin's min/max/close button commands to line up with the min/max/close buttons of the CaseLabs theme for Windows 10 TH2 but am still failing miserably.

    However, if it requires permission from the creator then perhaps someone can make a CaseLabs Stylish skin that can be used alongside the DeepDark theme for Firefox? I'm enjoying the DeepDark Firefox skin but i simply want the the bar that the min/max/close buttons are on to be that of the CaseLabs theme for Windows 10 TH2. Tab positioning would preferably not be changed from what the DeepDark skin for Firefox already places them (BTW, I keep the Menu Bar disabled in this theme to make the tabs line up with the top edge of the browser (It looks better this way in my opinion), so if it's possible, just it as close to that as possible. Here's the FT DeepDark Aero cnfg if it's needed. I just copied and pasted the contents of the scripting for it into a text file so it can be viewed easier.

    Last edited by Nimbi; April 5th, 2016 at 03:44 AM. Reason: added some extra information

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