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Thread: Evolución for Rainmeter

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  1. #7
    Nimbi is offline

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    Here's the Spotify varient I created since the NowPlaying music skin you created doesn't fully support Spotify.

    Just extract it into C:\Users\#UserName#\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Evolucion\Opciones\Launcher\Musica and it should work. (C:\Users\#UserName#Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Evolucion mini\Opciones\Launcer\Musica for Evolucion mini).

    Once you've done that, open the variables for Evolucion and type this path into app2path "C:\Users\#UserName#\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Evolucion\Opciones\Launcher\Musica\Spotify.ini" (C:\Users\#UserName#\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Evolucion mini\Opciones\Launcher\Musica\Spotify.ini for Evolucion mini). Then just refresh rainmeter.

    Once that's all done you will be able to load the fully functional spotify player skin through the optiones skin.

    Spotify uses the SpotifyPlugin.dll and different measures than the NowPlaying.dll, thus why it requires it's own seperate .ini, I've made the required edits in the Spotify.ini)

    I'm currently working with .raptor of rainmeter forums to get the repeat and shuffle buttons working with the spotify.ini. I'll post the new .ini here once I get those working properly.
    Last edited by Nimbi; June 22nd, 2016 at 10:17 PM. Reason: Updated the info.

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