Good Day

Hi and Hello from Germany ,, I am a Little crazy about Rainmeter , But Google Helped me to find You

This Site Looks to me very well Organized and Big so it will take me a few to get around
I have been a little Busy with school BUT would Love to spend more time here

I am falling in love with all these beautiful colors

I cant wait to start working on my desktop MR grim has been very helpful and has posted a reply on how to start
But i have not started for one big reason ,,,,,, In the past I have Messed up my computer many times over stuff like this and at the end I did not enjoy anything

therefore i am this time very Cautious But I will take MR GRIM is advice and do a full backup It is Due anyway
Many thanks for having me here Hop to find new Friends and Learn a few things with you guys

I am using windows 10 Home 64x So I will be looking for all the windows 10 themes

Thank you