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Thread: Aero Glass for Windows 10 RS1+

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  1. #1
    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Aero Glass for Windows 10 RS1+

    Big Muscle has released a new Experimental build

    These builds are not intended for normal usage, they are just builds of my current working state. They may or may not work. They may contain features which may or may not be pushed in the final release.

    If you don't know how to install it then do NOT ask, because these builds are intended for very advanced users only which should already be familiar with the installation procedure.

    These are DEBUG builds only, they display watermark, they display debugging console and they display debug warning on startup. They may require debugging symbols for proper function. Do NOT use them if you do NOT want this or you cannot accept that these builds are experimental only.


    Build #631, 64 bit
    Designed for Windows 10 build 14393
    The main intention of this build is to test stability and various multi-monitor setups.

    Build #639, 64 bit
    Designed for Windows 10 build 14393
    Fixed DLL injection when system boots up too fast
    Fixed optimization of dirty regions
    Changed the way how it deals with colorization settings:
    * AccentColor (DWORD 0xFFBBGGRR) - color of active window frame
    * AccentColorInactive (DWORD 0xFFBBGGRR) - color of inactive window frame
    * GlassOpacity (DWORD, default: 68) - amount of glass opacity (0-100) or amount of blur blend with the background (10-100, see following settings)
    * EnableBlurBlend (DWORD 0 or 1) - 0 (default) means that blurred background is just overlaid with the AccentColor using the specified opacity; 1 means that the AccentColor is blended together with the background color using the specified opacity (the main difference is just the formula for putting blur and AccentColor together)
    Old ColorizationXXX settings values are ignored, because Win10 build 14393 always reset them to default under certain circumstances. I also think that those old ColorizationBalances and Afterglows are not needed anymore.
    There still can appear some random glitches. I currently do not know the cause but I would like to know if they appear often or they are very rare.
    If you have some other decision how to deal the colorization settings, you can put it here.

    Build #652, 64 bit
    Designed for Windows 10 build 14393
    Fixed optimization of overlapped dirty regions
    Fixed data sharing between more drawings in one pass
    Includes new experimental ModernFrame.dll

    You have to create a new DWORD called GlassOpacity and set it 0-100 default: 68.

    The following settings are perfect for My Windows 10 Black Edition

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Save that as a reg file and set the values you want for active and inactive accent colors.

    Build #669 - Pre-release, 64 bit
    Designed for Windows 10 build 14393
    Same as #668 but compiled as release build
    Requires sign in to your profile

    This build is candidate for the final release. Public installer will be made when 32-bit version is finished.

    -- 1.5 --
    * version designed for Windows 10 Anniversary (Redstone 10.0.14393)

    -- 1.5.1 (16.10.2016) --
    * optimization: don't use glass safety zone when rendered region does not contain glass
    * fixed glass safety zone render transformation
    * DWM\ColorizationColor(Inactive) settings can be used again for setting frame edge color
    * DWM\ColorPrevalence settings is respected

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ 1.5.3

    * hardcoded symbols patterns up to build 14393.953
    * fixed caption misalignment when glow effect is disabled
    * added option to draw caption centered (HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM: CenterCaption (DWORD 0x0 / 0x1))
    - if glow effect is enabled and caption is set to be centered, the glow effect will be drawn over whole frame width - do NOT report it as the bug!
    * changed IAT hooks initialization order
    * enable SeDebugPrivilege in aerohost process

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.5.5 - change log
    This version is for Win10 10.0.15063 only.
    Changelog -- 1.5.5 (20.8.2017) --
    * fixed drawing context destructor hook
    * fixed DPI-Awareness on UWP apps titlebars
    * hopefully fixed titlebars on UWP apps with extended frame
    - ApplicationFrame symbols are required to make this work correctly

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ 1.5.7 for RS3 FCU

    -- 1.5.8 (26.2.2018) --
    * fixed random glitches on occlusion regions
    * fixed optimized dirty rectangles indexing
    * fixed UWP apps frame's Direct3D device management
    * hardcoded symbols for 10.0.16299.248
    * very limited support for Insider build 17074.1002

    Aero Glass Experimental Version 64-bit Designed for 10.0.17133

    Aero Glass release Version 64-bit Designed for 10.0.17134

    2019-04-27 Aero Glass release Version Designed for 10.0.18362 Experimental debug build

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.5.12 - change log
    This version is up to Win10 v1903 (10.0.18362).

    Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.5.13 - change log
    This version is up to Win10 v1909 (10.0.18363).

    Unofficial installers, Use at your Own Risk!!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mr GRiM; February 29th, 2020 at 03:37 AM.

    Please do not PM me to ask for support - please use the relevant thread or forum.
    Please Post in English or at least include English Translations

  2. #2
    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Added version 1.5.1 to the first post, unofficial installers created by me, use at your own risk, also included the latest modernframe.dll for X64 only.

    Also added a more recent version of Theme Signature Bypass.

    Big Muscle also seems to be working on a new version of UxTSB (Theme Signature Bypass) that doesn't need AppInit_DLLs

    And now a small thing for those who like experiments:

    Important info for this build:

    1) Install Aero Glass (and stop it from Task Scheduler, or just kill aerohost.exe process)
    2) Replace DWMGlass.dll and aerohost.exe with files from this archive
    3) Put UxTSB.dll into the same directory
    4) Remove old UxThemeSignatureBypass DLL from registry, i.e. do NOT use AppInit_DLLs method!!!!
    5) Start AeroGlass (from Task Scheduler)

    It is experimental debug build to remove dependency on AppInit_DLLs! It may be unstable! It may corrupt your OS install! It displays the debug console!

    Do NOT use if you don't want to use experimental stuff!
    Here is my unofficial installer for the experimental debug build, you will need to uninstall any previous versions of aero glass and theme signature bypass before installing this one.

    Please do not use this in a production environment, it is for testing only and preferably testing should be done on a VM or test OS where you are not afraid to reinstall windows.

    Use these installers at your own risk!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mr GRiM; October 26th, 2016 at 04:59 PM.

    Please do not PM me to ask for support - please use the relevant thread or forum.
    Please Post in English or at least include English Translations

  3. #3
    freak69ize is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr GRiM View Post
    Added version 1.5.1 to the first post, unofficial installers created by me, use at your own risk, also included the latest modernframe.dll for X64 only.

    Also added a more recent version of Theme Signature Bypass.

    Big Muscle also seems to be working on a new version of UxTSB (Theme Signature Bypass) that doesn't need AppInit_DLLs
    Thanks Mark.... appreciate it

  4. #4
    Tok is offline
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    Hello, thank you for your excellent work. I am using Win 10 Enterprise LTSB v1607 / 14393 and unfortunately I am unable to keeping the transparent title bar on any theme ... any help would be welcome. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Nimbi is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tok View Post
    Hello, thank you for your excellent work. I am using Win 10 Enterprise LTSB v1607 / 14393 and unfortunately I am unable to keeping the transparent title bar on any theme ... any help would be welcome. Thanks.
    Do you have AeroGlassGUI? If so, try setting the inactive window colors 1 pixel higher or lower than the active window color. If not, it's included in the installer in the first post of this thread.

    'The world is but a canvas to our imagination" - Henry David Thoreau

  6. #6
    Tok is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nimbi View Post
    Do you have AeroGlassGUI? If so, try setting the inactive window colors 1 pixel higher or lower than the active window color. If not, it's included in the installer in the first post of this thread.
    Thanks for your interest and help, but had already made all kinds of possible and imaginary settings in AeroGlassGUI and no success ...

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