I have been trying to get everything tweaked the way i want it with the hud red theme, and i noticed that on the title bar of
programs that the red lettering that says the program name its surrounded by white and kind of blurs out the program info.
is this normal for the hud red on win 10? or is there a way to change that so it isnt surrounded in white?

as i have said before i am fairly new to win 10 i got it on the last day free upgrades were available so i am still
struggeling with all the changes from win7 and i am completely new to themes for windows, so i am sorry if i
seem to ask no brainer questions if anyone can help me with this issue i would really appreciate it.

i have found where i can change the font on the title bar and all that but i didnt see anything that talked
about the highlighting of the name on the title bar. below is a pic of what i am talking about and trying to
remove if it is at all possible notice the white on the upper left hand side of the title bar.
thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me on this matter.
