I have made the settings to disable the win10 lock screen which appears before the logon screen in both gpedit and regedit and it refuses to go away! I'm using the pro version of win10 if that makes any difference. Can anyone tell me how to kill this damn thing?

Also every time I login to my account the titlebar color resets from my custom theme to a blue titlebar and creates a new unsaved themefile. I ran the registry hacks for DWM Black Color.reg and RemoveDefaultColors.reg which mr grim provided in his original win10 theme thread. Is it possible they are not compatible with rs1 and causing the issue? I'll copy the text of the files so someone that knows what they are doing can take a look at them.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



And the second one:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Please help, these issues are driving me crazy!