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Thread: Need help resolving an error with Windows 10

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Alert Need help resolving an error with Windows 10


    I've been having a rather annoying problem since the release of Cumulative Update KB3200970 for Windows 10 RS1. Simply put, it keeps failing. To make things worse, Microsoft still hasn't been any help. I've submitted the problem to them and neither they, nor anyone else on the support forums have been any help. Here is the error code I found in the event viewer for it.

    Error code : 0x8007007E

    Can anyone please help me with this? Because I'm one of those people who prefers to get updates applied and done with as soon as possible so as to get them out of the way. This one is starting to seriously piss me off to be frank. It keeps popping up while I'm busy with my daily crap and naturally me being all OCD on update matters makes me have to stop what I'm doing every time so the computer can restart. Yet, each time the damn thing fails and has to revert the changes.

    If anyone can please help me fix this BS I would be forever grateful because I'm pretty much ready to stick a firecracker in this damn laptop and blow it up.
    Last edited by Nimbi; November 14th, 2016 at 05:21 PM. Reason: fixed a formatting issue

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