Hey Nimbi,

It is a pretty good setup you picked there I have to say. If I would look at one thing you might want to consider changing is going the way of your vid card. If you look at different parts and such maybe mix and match some other items and go a bit more heavy on the vid card side you would be better off I think.

I don't game myself but I did upgrade my vid card a few months ago to this one https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01...?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Ignore that price though as that's a crazy price I picked it up for 360 bucks and that's Canadian so USA it will be cheaper as your dollar is worth more then ours. But after going back and forth with Toady on what model I should upgrade to I can tell you that the 1060 rips through everything you throw at it with lighting speed. The 1060 is Nvidia's replacement for their high end 980 model. Toady was saying I was going to love the card and I sure do my graphics apps run like so fast and so smooth and my video rendering times oh man.. Things I used to render that would take 2 hours or more now take less the 15 mins. So I would say if your looking at a gaming rig put most of your money in the vid card processor and mobo, everything else is pretty well mix and match.

I would like to have my hands on the new Ryzen AMD CPU myself and I was going to buy it the 1800x model but MS playing their games locked all new i7's and ryzen CPU's to Windows 10. Still trying to force people to upgrade cause it ain't doing as well as they wanted so I said screw that you ain't gonna force me to use that OS I will stick with my 8350 for now