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Thread: How to convert Windows XP and/or Windows Vista themes to Windows 7?

  1. #1
    Nimbi is offline

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    How to convert Windows XP and/or Windows Vista themes to Windows 7?


    I have a slight question here. I made a request on DA for Devillnside to port a Open Source them over to Windows 10 RS2 but it seems it might be a Windows XP or Windows Vista theme. So He asked me to see if anyone here knows how to port those to Windows 7 first so he could get it there first. Here is a link to the theme if anyone needs it for reference:

    [You can basically just copy and paste that into your browser if it isn't clickable in that format, ]

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. This them really caught my eye so if it is possible to port over [even if some of the UI buttons have to be removed which they likely will, ] then it would be a real treat if someone could provide Devillnside with the porting help he will need for it.

    The creator of the theme has stated in the description for it that it is Open Source and needs no permissions for porting over. All he asked for was that any use of it for mods and/or porting simply be credited to him. Other than that he gives free range on using it for pretty much anything.

    Thanks ahead of time

    'The world is but a canvas to our imagination" - Henry David Thoreau

  2. #2
    2635599 is offline

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    i don't see that happening. only way i know of is literally create a whole new theme.

  3. #3
    Nimbi is offline

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    Ah ok then . Thanks anyways. I'll let him know.

    'The world is but a canvas to our imagination" - Henry David Thoreau


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