OMG!! youre a legend bro big thanks to Razorsedge for allowing the port & big thanks to you bro for porting it.. i cant wait!!!,, i had to upgrade to Win 10 not through choice might i add but due to a sad state of affairs on my Win 7 64bit not even entirely sure what happened to be honest & have built my own pc for years now & this one stumped me!!All i know is i had just put this on my Win 7 & the s**t hit the fan all though nothing to do with the theme have worked on pc's for years so know this not to defo be the case have been a member on here for years & all the themes integrated with my systems have never caused a fault just utter pleasure! So whatever happened with mine i dunno but as i said quite desperately before could this be ported & now right before my eyes it has been cant wait to apply it,,Thank you so much guys for the continuing work you do both on Win 7 & Win 10 (now)!! I have always stuck to Win 7 up until now but enlightenment has passed before my eyes!!!,, Thank you Razor for making this & now big thanks to devilinside for porting it you guys are my heroes!! desperately need my black & blue set up back that i miss so much in Win 7! Huge thank you guys you're the best not used to Win 10 yet but am sure through the use of these awesome guys work i will endeavour!! HUGE Thanks guys i will love you always!!