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Thread: Windows 10 RS4 theme patch for build 1803 17133.1 and 1803 17133.73 by Moonnique®

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Windows 10 RS4 theme patch for build 1803 17133.1 and 1803 17133.73 by Moonnique®

    Windows 10 RS4 1803 17133.1 and 1803 17133.73
    3rd Party themes patch by Moonnique®
    Here is my Simple,easy and fast patch withouth installation for build 1803 17133.1
    and 1803 17133.73
    with video how to use
    Bugfix for unpatched themeui.dll , uxinit.dll and uxtheme.dll file for Windows 10 build 1803 17133.1
    and 1803 17133.73 32bit and 64bit
    On Windows 10 RS4 1803
    working all Windows 10 RS2 1703 and RS3 1709 themes
    Supported Virtual Customs themes Customize Your Virtual World!
    Themes for Windows 10 Spring Creators Update Version 1803

    1.unzip my file
    2.go to c/windows/system32 find and click Take Ownership the file themeui.dll , uxinit.dll and uxtheme.dll
    3.for fast use just
    copy my themeui.dll , uxinit.dll and uxtheme.dll file and click replace the original files
    4.for backup
    rename original files themeui.dll , uxinit.dll and uxtheme.dll to themeui.old.dll , uxinit.old.dll and uxtheme.old.dll and copy my files

    5.restart pc or restart explorer

    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; April 12th, 2018 at 07:39 AM.


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