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Thread: How to make a custom 7tsp icon pack

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Package Favorite How to make a custom 7tsp icon pack

    Se7en Theme Source Patcher v0.6 2019
    25 Jun 2019 v0.6 RC1 Build 2019
    ~Create restorepoint fixed for all windows versions
    ~Fixed regedit not being patched on x64 systems
    ~Added a new default skin created by devillnside
    ~Added .mun file patching support - any .mun file can be added in *.mun.res format (experimental, not recommended)
    ~Many small script updates
    ~Removed misc options from Extra section
    ~Removed update check from info menu

    7tsp features:
    *7tsp is portable, no need to install
    *More complete modification possible
    *Faster Patching (e.g. 10x faster patching of imageres.dll)
    *Patches any file in *.res format in the following folders:
    system32\ folder on x86 and x64 systems (always has)
    syswow64\ folder on x64 systems (always has)
    Branding\ folder
    en-US\ folder (when your system is e.g. French 7tsp uses fr-FR)
    Speech\ folder
    Migwiz\ folder
    7tsp knows all file locations, just drop your *.res file in the resources folder in your pack and 7tsp figures it out
    *Never patches explorer.exe and shell32.dll on windows 8, 8.1 and 10 systems even if the res file exists in the used pack
    *The backup routine checks and saves all file versions to detect windows update changes

    Tested on:
    Windows 7 x86 and x64
    windows 10 x64 live system

    Extra thanks to:
    றѳѳղղįqվદ® for helping with testing the new version
    devillnside for creating the new skin

    Here is a (backup) tutorial on how to make a custom 7tsp icon pack.
    This is also the place for questions and support for your custom pack.

    It's possible to create your own custom Theme/Icon pack's and apply them with the 7tsp GUI.
    Modifications can include icons, bitmaps, a theme, side panel, logon screen and task manager colors.
    Dialog window changes, menu start button, copy animation colors etcetc.

    Resource Files
    a new .res file can be created by making a copy of an existing res file, rename it and add the new resources
    with the same name or number it has in the original dll/exe file using e.g. Reshacker, you can add any dll/exe/cpl/mui file in res format in the resources folder.
    7tsp will recognize them and if they exist in the system32, windir or en-US folder they will be patched.
    Resfile Catagories - By Robi

    Files Recognized by 7tsp


    All files in sytem32\:


    All files in en-US\:
    (when your system is e.g. French 7tsp uses fr-FR)



    Program Files\:

    In this topic extra Program Files locations can be requested.
    The Extra\ Folder

    The Extra\ folder:
    In this folder you can put the theme files and the corresponding folders
    like "mytheme.theme" and the folder "mytheme".
    you can put any amount of themes in this folder and they all get installed, the theme file specified in Pack.ini will be applied after patching.

    The Extra\shell32\ folder:
    In this folder you can put the side panel bitmaps 632, 633, 634, 635
    This folder is also used when a custom side panel bitmap is selected in the GUI.

    The Extra\Logon\ folder:
    In this folder you can put the logon .jpg images for the logon background file 5031.jpg to 5043.jpg
    This folder is also used when a custom Logon Background image is selected in the GUI.

    The Extra\Basebrd\ folder:
    in this folder you can place 2 res files "basebrdhome.dll.res" and basebrdpro.dll.res
    the ultimate "basebrd.dll.res" can be placed in the Resources\ folder with all the other res files and will be used standard if there is no basebrdhome.dll.res or basebrdpro.dll.res present in the Extra\Basebrd\ folder. 7tsp will use the brd.res file corresponding with the current system being patched automatically.

    The Extra\Cursors\ folder:
    In this folder you can put all the cursors as being named in the windows\cursors\ folder like "aero_busy.ani", aero_busy_l.ani" etc. these files will be directly replaced.
    you can also use an .inf cursor scheme (and folder) in "Extra\Cursors\cursors.inf" or "install.inf"

    The Extra\Fonts\ folder:
    In this folder you can put any amount of *.ttf font files and they will be installed.

    The Extra\Media\ folder:
    In this folder you can put all the sound *.wav files as being named in the windows\Media\ folder like "Tada.wav", "Ding.wav" etc. these files will be directly replaced.
    you can also use an .inf sound scheme (and folder "Schemes") in "Extra\Media\schemes.inf" or "install.inf"
    Important Notes:

    ~Please compress the pack with 7zip
    ~Set all language id's in the res files to English(1033)
    ~Always ask permission when using some one else his/her art before sharing

    ~7tsp is a free community Project. The Official (and user contributed) 7tsp packs may NOT be used or altered for commercial purposes!!

    hello friends
    thread has been updated
    if have someone any problem just post your problem here
    some new info for new icon pack makers

    Windows 7
    explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.res
    imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.res
    imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.res
    shell32.dll need to save as
    Windows 8 8.1 and Windows 10 TH2-RS5
    explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.mui.res
    imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.res
    imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.res
    shell32.dll need to save as
    Windows 10 1903 19h1 , 1909 19h2 and 20h1
    explorer.exe need to save as explorer.exe.mui.res
    imageres.dll need to save as imageres.dll.mun.res
    imagesp1.dll need to save as imagesp1.dll.mun.res
    shell32.dll need to save as
    need to save as notepad.exe.mun.res
    need to save as themecpl.dll.mun.res
    need to save as zipfldr.dll.mun.res
    more info here
    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; December 9th, 2019 at 06:25 PM.


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