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Thread: How to move the details pane at the top in Windows Explorer ?

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ceo54 View Post
    Thank you for the reply brother.

    Here's the shell32.dll from system32 folder:

    Here's the shell32.dll from SysWow64 folder:

    I've been told I need to replace both files for this to work. This is the VS I want to port:

    Thanks for the help bud. Highly appreciated.
    here is
    please download 7tsp gui 0.6 and file 7tsp shell32.dll TopShell 7tsp gui 0.6 and click on add a custom pack = 7tsp shell32.dll TopShell on start patching
    Attached Files


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