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Thread: Chrome Apps Workaround for Vivaldi

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Chrome Apps Workaround for Vivaldi

    Chrome Apps Workaround

    Vivaldi Browser

    Those of you who use Vivaldi Browser and would like to make Chrome Apps for your favorite websites, I found a way to make them using the "--app=URL_HERE" command parameter.

    Here are the instructions on how to do this for yourself:

    1. Download and install Vivaldi Browser from [if you don't already have it].
    2. Create a shortcut on your desktop and rename it to the name of the website you wish to make a Chrome App for.
    3. Right click the desktop shortcut and enter properties.
    4. In the Target box, append --app=URL_HERE to the end of it. Make sure to replace URL_HERE with the URL of the website you're trying to make a Chrome App for.
    5. Change the icon to whatever you want to use for your newly made Chrome App.
    6. Finally place the new Chrome App into a folder of your choosing and run it.

    If you follow the steps above in order you will have a fully functional Chrome App for use with Vivaldi Browser.

    This method however WILL NOT add them to the "Vivaldi://apps" page. Instead you can launch them directly from the shortcut created and it works perfectly.

    Here is a screenshot of what Virtual Customs looks like via a Chrome App using the method I posted in the instructions

    To make the Virtual Customs Chrome App for Vivaldi Browser I simply replaced the default path in the Target box:

    Original Path:
    "C:\Program Files\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe"
    with this:

    New Path:
    "C:\Program Files\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe" --app=
    This works with pretty much any website. And it will run as a fully functional Chrome App.
    Last edited by Nimbi; February 15th, 2020 at 11:21 PM.

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