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Thread: DLL files disappearing

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    ninjspks is offline
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    i found the culprit, Vista style builder. A long suffered issue solved again

    An attempt was made to access an object.

    Object Server: Security
    Object Type: File
    Object Name: C:\ProgramData\Windows Style Builder\Testing\Shell
    Handle ID: 0x8bc
    Resource Attributes: S:AI

    Process Information:
    Process ID: 0x2d44
    Process Name: C:\Program Files\Windows Style Builder\Windows Style Builder.exe

    Access Request Information:
    Accesses: DELETE

    Access Mask: 0x10000

    As if ui file editing in the shellstyle wasnt difficult enough.

    This thing has been hampering my progress to the point I ghave up with uifiles.

    All i do is set a write block on the retched VSB and all Working.
    Last edited by ninjspks; May 13th, 2020 at 01:35 AM.


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