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Thread: Microsoft reveals new Windows logo design and 100 modern app icons - Location

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Microsoft reveals new Windows logo design and 100 modern app icons - Location

    Microsoft reveals new Windows logo design
    and 100 modern app icons

    Windows 10 location
    Show hidden files , folders and drivers
    C:\This PC\*Your UserName*\Program Files\WindowsApps

    Microsoft is tweaking its Windows logo and the icons for many of the operating system’s apps.
    We’ve known for a year that the software maker has been planning an icon overhaul, and the company’s new Office icons were only the start.
    Microsoft is now redesigning more than 100 icons across the company with new colors, materials, and finishes.

    It’s part of a bigger push to modernize Microsoft’s software and services under the Fluent Design set of principles.
    “With the newest wave of icon redesigns, we faced two major creative challenges,” explains Jon Friedman, corporate vice president of design and research at Microsoft.
    “We needed to signal innovation and change while maintaining familiarity for customers.
    We also had to develop a flexible and open design system to span a range of contexts while still being true to Microsoft.”

    Most of the icon changes aren’t major overhauls, but subtle tweaks that make them look far more consistent when you look at tens of them together at once.
    Microsoft appears to be focusing part of its design efforts on cleaning up its Windows icon problem.
    Windows 10 has lots of inconsistent icons appearing in settings and apps, with some old icons dating back decades.

    changing this icons for using with 7tsp icon packs now not have any effect
    example 7tsp imageres.dll.mun.res and shell32.dll.mun.res

    if you dont like the default windows photo icons
    changing those imageres.dll icons now not have any effect
    if you like your new icon you need go to
    C:\This PC\*Your UserName*\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2020.19111.24110.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets

    eplace every icon for what you like for a new one

    new icon need be saved as PNG with original name and size
    White and Dark icons = Windows 10 Dark and Light mode
    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; April 23rd, 2020 at 12:44 AM.


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