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Thread: Them Port Request

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    Nimbi is offline

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    Them Port Request

    Theme: SubZero Sapphire Re-vised
    Theme Designer: rasorzedge
    Requested by: J4M3SX019, Nimbi

    Quote Originally Posted by J4M3SX019
    will there be a windows 10 1903/1909 version for this theme
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimbi
    You just need to request a port if you want it. razorsedge has already given permission to port his themes over. I'm sure there's someone here who will glady port it if you request it.
    Quote Originally Posted by J4M3SX019
    if you have this theme can you port it for me please
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimbi
    Sadly I can't since WSB bricks my system every time I try [saves as a Windows 8 msstyle every time instead of what I try to save it as]. But I can make a request for it myself as well since this is one of my favs.

    Please port SubZero Sapphire Re-vised to Windows 10 1903/1909
    Last edited by Nimbi; June 13th, 2020 at 03:15 AM.

    'The world is but a canvas to our imagination" - Henry David Thoreau


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