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Thread: Windows 10 20h2++ The beginning of the end for Control Panel (How to open old System)

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Package Favorite Windows 10 20h2++ The beginning of the end for Control Panel (How to open old System)

    Windows 10 20h2++
    The beginning of the end for Control Panel

    Microsoft has started testing the removal of the venerable System control panel on Windows 10
    and instead redirecting users to the modern About page.
    The System control panel allows users to get a brief overview of the operating system version
    network configuration and installed hardware.
    Commonly used to determine the Windows 10 version
    computer name, and workgroup, and installed CPU and memory
    the System control panel has been an often-used tool since it was introduced in Windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95.
    As spotted by
    WindowsLatest, in Windows 10 Insider build 20161
    Microsoft is rolling out a change that redirects users to the Windows 10 About page
    when trying to open the System control panel.

    New and improved Windows 10 About page
    As part of this change, Microsoft has also added the ability to copy data from the About page
    and provide information about your active security protections.

    The beginning of the end for Control Panel?
    In Windows 8, Microsoft introduced the new modern Settings feature
    and moved much of the operating system's configuration and options to it.
    At the same time, they kept the Control Panel in place
    and continued to use it for many configuration options.
    The different appearance between the Windows 10 Settings and Control Panel
    has always led to a disjointed feel to configuring Windows 10.
    The System control panel redirection appears to be beginning of a plan to retire the old Windows Control Panel
    and move all configuration options and information into the modern Windows 10 Settings pages.
    "There will be more improvements coming that will further bring Settings closer to Control Panel.
    If you rely on settings that only exist in Control Panel today, please file feedback
    and let us know what those settings are," Brandon LeBlanc, Senior Program Manager
    of the Windows Insider Program,
    shared in a blog post.
    The removal of Control Panel and its migrations of settings to the modern Windows 10 Settings
    is a good thing.
    While it always sad to see something used so often go away, it has always felt like it did not belong in Windows 10.

    and now sorry because i dont have free time for all responds and all other works
    here is my tutorial

    you can use old control panel on the w10 20h2 19042
    just open control panel and put to the command bar
    Control Panel\System and Security\System
    and press enter
    this open your old system info
    and i think this be can updated in the new version of Start is back
    for really skilled this (New redirect) can be replaced manually in the StartIsBackCfg.exe with Restorator .etc
    but i am not owner of StartIsBack and i dont have permission for sharing this step with you sorry
    in this time if you like w10 20h2 you can use this my step
    Control Panel\System and Security\System
    click on System (copy address) and create a new Shortcut
    paste your new shortcut where you need

    hello friends
    if you like fast open your old system info
    you can put the new shortcut to the Quick access or to the Explorer
    Right click on File Explorer/System

    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; September 27th, 2020 at 07:30 PM.


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