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Thread: Windows 10 Adress bar height.

  1. #13
    Areoxsa is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donkuz View Post
    Your right, I musta just got used to it , Another way you can do it is with WSB in this location like I have for both light and dark modes
    Attachment 88933
    I always do it this way and never notice it not working with an Aero them, Sorry.
    Can u show all steps would be nice : D

  2. #14
    Donkuz is offline
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    How to edit Address Bar Height

    OK Mate, so if you want to stream line your address and search bars here's the method I use.
    First Step: Go to WSB and export the address bar normal or hot image from dark mode to a folder that you can access, now the Image needs to be around 2 or 3 pixels narrower top and bottom, bearing mind your text size.

    Second step: Open your folder with the Image in it you just extracted, now right click on it and open with Paint 3D or your alternative Image editor here you can see its 23 pxls heigh

    Third step: you now want to resize it to 17pxls height this will take 3 pixels off the top and bottom of the address bar

    Step four: Now you have to resize the canvas back to 23pxls height and make sure the canvas is transparent if its not already. Now you can save it.

    Step Five: go back to WSB and Import the Image into the Address bar in the Normal, Hot, Unknown and Selected parts and save it, now you have made a Complete resized Default Image

    Step Six: Now Export this Image to a folder so now you can Import it to the 3 Search Box sections for Dark Mode showing in the tree save it when your done for Dark Mode.

    Step seven: Now in light Mode the address bar is in the Basic settings Import the new Image here

    Step Eight: now Import the new Image here for Light Mode search bars save it and then reload the test to see the results and now you are done.

    OK now if its to small do it again and try making it 19 pxls heigh instead of 17 pxls heigh, The Address and search bars will use the same sized Image, you need to do this with a Customized address bar and if it is different size to the origonals just replace the Image instead of resizing it. OK guys here you go I hope it helps you to resize the Address and Search Bars as I said this is how I do it if you have any probs just let me know.
    Let me know how you go Mate.

    Last edited by Donkuz; April 5th, 2021 at 03:11 AM.

  3. #15
    Areoxsa is offline
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    It worked, thx

  4. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnq2603 View Post
    Moonique, Would you provide more details about hex address and value to edit in those hex files? It could save time for who willing to edit but not so sure about hex value. Thanks for suggestion anyway, have a nice day there.
    I feel like you should manually extract ExplorerFrame.dll.mun from Windows 10 version 1607 ISO and compare UIFILE 20482 and UIFILE 40960 hexadecimal values with current ExplorerFrame.dll.mun data.

  5. #17
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    I posted earlier and tried myself replacing ExplorerFrame.dll.mun UIFILE data of 21H1 with 1607 (UIFILE of 1607 can be found in C:\Windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll). It didn't work. It didn't affect address bar in any way. So I assume weir named user was wrong about address bar UI connection with UIFILE_20482 and UIFILE_40960. Adter replacing values only "file explorer" view changed (the part of window where you actually select files, folders, move them, etc.).

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    For sume unknown reason I cannot view my own messages. Is that because I'm an LGBT transgender person? That'sfascism! Very bad!

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