Classic Personalization Menu Broken
Windows 10 21H1

Ok so I noticed something I'm not proud of in Windows 10 21H1 today. After going without Custom Visual styles for a while I wanted to load up the JARVIS Ultimate Edition one only to find I'm not going to be able to anymore. All because of one very important and VS breaking change in Windows 10 21H1. Classic Personalization Menu doesn't work anymore. Now I'd be glad to hear a fix for this but as I'm all to aware of MS removing legacy components I'm pretty sure that is what broke it.

So until someone finds a way around this, I'm pretty much just going to assume the position and return to using Stardock Curtains from here on out. But still thought it would at least be fair to point out to everyone here that the Classic Personalization Menu doesn't open at all anymore on Windows 10 21H1+.