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Thread: How to remove a certain branch in classmap WSB? Like this one.

  1. #1
    nnq2603 is offline
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    Exclamation How to remove a certain branch in classmap WSB? Like this one.

    Sometimes I notice in theme created by others, that they have some classmap branch completely removed. Like this one:

    This's the Tron Win10 theme ported by Moonique (currently I only have this as example, but there're more in another themes by others)

    And when I tried to replicate that in another theme for testing porpuse, I couldn't find any way to remove it. There is no command in WSB to remove a branch of classmap. AFAIK, when a branch in classmap missing, we can add back by stylehack import (which exported previously from other theme where the branch exists). But such method unavailable to removing branch because there's no way to do it.

    How was it even possible that they made theme like that? They have a different version of classmap for their instance of WSB?

  2. #2
    Donkuz is offline
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    Great Question Mate, I wish there was an Instuction manuall for WSB It would be Great, but as we dont we have to rely on others experience's and advice. I cant help you with this but someone will and
    I will be watching to see how to remove sections from the tree.Cheerz!!

  3. #3
    claude96 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnq2603 View Post
    Sometimes I notice in theme created by others, that they have some classmap branch completely removed. Like this one:

    This's the Tron Win10 theme ported by Moonique (currently I only have this as example, but there're more in another themes by others)

    And when I tried to replicate that in another theme for testing porpuse, I couldn't find any way to remove it. There is no command in WSB to remove a branch of classmap. AFAIK, when a branch in classmap missing, we can add back by stylehack import (which exported previously from other theme where the branch exists). But such method unavailable to removing branch because there's no way to do it.

    How was it even possible that they made theme like that? They have a different version of classmap for their instance of WSB?
    I really hope that someone would share on the how to as well, also if you found the answer !!? , then please share, thanks a mill.

  4. #4
    Raiderman68 is offline
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