this might seem awkward , but i need some serious help here , im still on W7 , and yes its still solid stuff for a few more years atleast imo, anyhow issue is with Grims HUD Theme, ive used win7stylebuilder to increase the size of all fonts to size 22, issue now is they get cut off in anything that uses Explorer...which is pretty much everything s, including file details view layout , so my request being if youd manage to increase the rest to accommodate the font size increase , also looking through the msstyles file ive seen it gots bigger icons etc for higher dpi , so also if possible use the bigger images meant for 200% dpi scaling etc. , would appreciate it since im using a 4k Display and everythings been super tiny and straining the shit out of my eyes , and ive had enough of it , but seriously would appreciate the gesture a ton, hope you can help out here, thanks again

heres the msstyles file ive modded to have fonts set to 22 pretty much across the board >