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Thread: Thumbnail Generator for Windows 11

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Star Thumbnail Generator for Windows 11

    Thumbnail Generator for Windows 11
    This application aims to recreate the missing feature of folder thumbnails in Windows 11.
    It uses ImageMagick to composite media thumbnails in a folder to create a thumbnail
    and generates a desktop.ini file to set it as the thumbnail.


    The usage is simple.

    1. Download the application from the Releases page
    2. Start up Thumbnail Generator.exe
    3. Choose a directory
    4. Choose whether to generate thumbnails recursively
    5. (If checked, the application will create thumbnail icons for subfolders as well.)
    6. Press start and wait.

    The application will automatically generate thumbnails and place them in correct directories.


    Thumbnails not updating

    If thumbnails are not updating, it is most likely the thumbnail cache not being properly updated.
    Therefore, you need to reset the thumbnail cache.
    To do this, you have to open up the Disk Cleanup utility, check the box for Thumbnails, and start cleaning.
    This will effectively delete all folder icon cache, so they will be forced to be updated.

    Folders containing special characters

    The desktop.ini file by default, is always made in the native language encoding that your Windows is in.
    However, when we are manually writing the desktop.ini file, the encoding is by default, UTF-8.
    Therefore, your system needs to support UTF-8.
    To enable the UTF-8 support, open Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region > Administrative language settings,
    Open the Administrative tab, click on change system locale, and check the box that reads `Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support.
    After restarting the PC, generate the thumbnails again, and the thumbnails should work.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; July 20th, 2021 at 01:17 PM.


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