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Thread: Registry Explorer for Windows 10 and for Windows 11

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Star Registry Explorer for Windows 10 and for Windows 11

    Registry Explorer for Windows 10
    and for Windows 11

    Registry Explorer
    Replacement for the Windows built-in Regedit.exe tool
    Improvements over that tool include

    Show real Registry (not just the standard one)
    Sort list view by any column
    Key icons for hives, inaccessible keys, and links
    Key details: last write time and number of keys/values
    Displays MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ expanded values
    Full search (Find All / Ctrl+Shift+F)
    Enhanced hex editor for binary values
    Copy/paste of keys/values
    Optionally replace RegEdit
    more to come!

    Build instructions

    Build the solution file with Visual Studio 2022 preview
    Can be built with Visual Studio 2019 as well (change toolset to v142)

    Attached Files


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