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Thread: How to Get the Old Right-Click Context menu from Windows 10 on Windows 11

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Ktip How to Get the Old Right-Click Context menu from Windows 10 on Windows 11

    Windows 11 21H2 OS Build 22000

    Windows 11 Version Dev
    Dev Channel Insider Preview OS Build 22xxx

    How to Get the Old Right-Click Context Menu
    Quick ways to get the old classic Right-click Context menu from Windows 10 on Windows 11

    By far the most annoying new "feature" of Windows 11 is the truncated context menu you get when right-clicking on anything.
    Where prior versions of Windows showed all of your options, including different programs that could open a file
    the new menus are limited to just a handful of choices, and not necessarily the ones you want.

    For example, when I installed Notepad++, a popular text editor, and then right-clicked on a .txt file
    I was not shown the program as an option for opening it.
    Even under the "Open with" submenu, only the Windows notepad appeared.
    Sure, you can see the full list of options if you click "Show more options,"
    but that's an extra click you didn't have to make in Windows 10.

    Perhaps Microsoft thinks this is a cleaner look and that users are just 'overwhelmed'
    with choices if they actually see the full context menu right away.
    But by dumbing down the context menu, Windows 11 wastes your time and insults your intelligence.
    Microsoft doesn't include an option in Settings to undo this travesty
    but there is a registry hack that, at present, will give you full context menus in Windows 11.

    How to Get Full Context Menus in Windows 11
    1. Open regedit. The easiest way is to hit Windows + R, enter regedit and hit Enter.

    2. Click Yes if you are prompted by User Account Control.


    4. Create a new registry key called {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2} underneath CLSID.
    You can create keys by right-clicking in the right window pane and selecting
    New->Key then entering the correct name for the folder.

    5. Create a new key called InprocServer32underneath {86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}.
    6. Open the (Default) key in InprocServer32 and set its value to blank,then click OK.

    You will notice that the Data which was originally "(value not set)" is now shown as blank.

    7. Close registry editor and reboot.
    You will now see the classic-style context menu.
    If you want to revert back to the default, limited context menu, delete the InProc32 key.

    Automatic Edit
    Don’t want to go through the hassle of editing the registry? Follow the steps below.

    1. Download the file Legacy Context Menu.reg
    2. Double-click the registry file. Tap Yes when prompted.
    3. The script will then automatically create the 586118283 key with the required entries.
    4. You can now restart your computer to get back the old context menu
    OR you can also create the registry file yourself by typing the following in notepad and saving it with a “.reg” extension:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    How to Revert the Changes?

    For the Folder Options method, open the File Explorer and tap on File at the top right corner.
    Click on
    Options and once the popup opens, deselect “Launch folder windows in a separate process” and tap Apply and then OK.
    Restart your PC.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; October 2nd, 2021 at 07:42 AM.


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