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Thread: StartIsBack++ Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    StartIsBack++ version 2.9.20
    StartIsBack for Windows 10 19h1-22h2++
    Theme and Font Color fix by Moonnique

    hello Friends sorry if i dont have free time for all but
    if have anyone problem with theming StartIsBack correctly

    or if you have problem with
    Gray areas and font color text

    here is one a verry simple fix
    for everyone by me

    just download my file StartIsBackCfg.exe
    if you have StartIsBack already installed

    you not need to reinstall or uninstall StartIsBack
    just cut and paste this my file to the original StartIsBack directory
    and click on replace the original StartIsBack.cfg file with mine

    if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for me
    location is
    C:\Users\*Your UserName*\AppData\Local\StartIsBack
    if you have StartIsBack already installed as Install for everyone
    location is
    C:\Program Files\StartIsBack
    hope this help to you my Friends


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