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Thread: Disable Or Restore Rounded Corners in Windows 11

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    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Ktip Disable Or Restore Rounded Corners in Windows 11

    Disable Or Restore
    Rounded Corners in Windows 11
    Pre-Patched files for Windows 11
    How to Disable Rounded Corners?
    Create a Restore Point
    1. download my uDWM.dll.7z file
    2. unzip this file
    3. go to C:\Windows\System32 directory
    4. you need to Take Ownership original uDWM.dll file first
    5. rename original uDWM.dll file as uDWMbackup.dll
    6. cut and paste my uDWM.dll file to C:\Windows\System32 directory
    7. sign out and sign in or restart your pc
    8. Rounded Corners is now Disabled
    How to Enable Rounded Corners back?
    1. you not need to run sfc\ scannow
    2. just go back to the C:\Windows\System32 directory
    3. cut and paste uDWM.dll file from this directoty on your Desktop
    4. rename uDWMbackup.dll file back as uDWM.dll
    5. sign out and sign in or restart your pc
    6. if you dont like this file just delete this file from your desktop
    7. Rounded Corners is now Enabled

    7tsp edition available later

    Last edited by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡; November 2nd, 2021 at 03:09 PM.


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