Hey there, I'm brand new having just snagged StartAllBack (and registering). I'm wanting to do a particular thing, and change an icon in the start menu (specifically for a folder) that uses a custom glyph.

Using your overall advice in OP, I've been tinkering around in Resource Hacker to try and find SAB's icon/glyph location but I cannot find it in either folders mentioned (local %appdata% and /ProgramFiles). I also changed an icon in W11's imagres,dll,mun and the OS did see the changed icon, but I could not find it in the list inside SAB's program itself.

Is there any way to add custom icons to SAB's glyph list that you know of? I'd love a little help in the direction for this. It's really cool that you can select custom glyphs for added custom folders, but not so cool there's no way to customize it even further.