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Thread: 7tsp Molta Bella System Icons (Black & Blue) w10 19h1-22H2++ and w11 21h2++

  1. #1
    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    Package Favorite 7tsp Molta Bella System Icons (Black & Blue) w10 19h1-22H2++ and w11 21h2++

    Molta Bella Black a Blue
    Extended Icon Pack with all Extras

    Icon Pack for Windows 11

    7tsp Molta Bella System Icons Black a Blue

    This Icon Pack has been created only for Windows 11
    Icon Pack for Windows 10
    7tsp Molta Bella System Icons Black a Blue
    ported for Windows 10 19h1 - 22h2 by
    7tsp Icon Pack for Windows 10 19h1 - 22h2++
    Please do not run this Icon Pack on w7 w8 w10 TH2-RS5!
    This Icon Pack has been created only for Windows 10
    Windows 10 19h1 19h2 20h1 20h2 21h1 21h2 22h2
    with new .mun files located in the
    C:\Windows\SystemResources directory
    Icon Pack has been ResRebuilded

    I have noticed 7tsp packs have been getting bigger and bigger in size.
    This is because some res editors leave old data inside the res files after modifying and saving them.
    This tool rebuilds all res files from a resources folder so they are clean of any rest data
    Molta Bella Extended Icon Pack

    Open up 7TSP & click Add a Custom Pack & select the icon pack you want to install.
    Click on Start Patching.
    By default 7TSP will create a restore point & install the icon pack.
    Once installation is done reboot & you're done

    7tsp Icon Pack for Windows 11
    This Icon Pack has been created only for Windows 11
    7tsp Icon Pack for Windows 10 19h1 - 22h2
    Please do not run this Icon Pack on w7 w8 w10 TH2-RS5!
    This Icon Pack has been created only for Windows 10
    Windows 10 19h1 19h2 20h1 20h2 21h1 21h2 22h2
    with new .mun files located in the
    C:\Windows\SystemResources directory

  2. #2
    Dark Knight is offline
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    Nice set , installed it last night !

    I believe in karma which means I can say all the bad things I want to you and just assume that you deserve it.

  3. #3
    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
    Co-Admin♀ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Knight View Post
    Nice set , installed it last night !
    i am very glad you like it my dear friend
    ported from windows 11 on windows 10 is used a new folders and i think need be disabled folder thumbnails


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