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Thread: Virtual Customs has moved to a new Host

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  1. #1
    Mr GRiM is offline

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    Virtual Customs has moved to a new Host

    All good things must come to an end, Virtual Customs will be Closing Down Soon, I will no longer be paying for the server cost as I can not afford it, thanks to all of the VC community for your many contributions over the last 14 years, if you have any content on here I suggest finding an alternative site to host it, not sure how long the site will stay up for, probably a couple of weeks, I wish you all best, it was a good ride.

    Please do not PM me to ask for support - please use the relevant thread or forum.
    Please Post in English or at least include English Translations

  2. #2
    ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 is offline
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    hello friends, nothing lasts forever
    14 years is a very long time, so I understand your decision
    it is difficult, especially from a financial point of view
    I am very glad that I could be a part of this great community
    thank you Mark for everything I have been able to learn since I was 13 years old
    I learned an awful lot, I don't even know how to thank you all
    I do not have and will not make a backup of a single item
    I only uploaded all windows themes as well as icon packs only to our website
    I have an awful lot of work over 600 that I didn't have time to add
    I hope that all my instructions and edited files or applications helped you
    it is necessary to go further into the future and not stay in the past
    I am glad that I could participate in many projects to improve your desktop
    I worked with many people to make our dreams come true
    I am most happy for the modified 7tsp application, I hope it will serve us for many years to come
    I therefore wish you only the best and thank you all for being a part of my life for these many years

  3. #3
    unreal_unity is offline
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    Saddening to learn this! I pray for the best for all of you! Jesus still loves you and has the best plans for everyone! Thanks for all the help with the content! I hope it continues elsewhere and we are notified somewhow! =).

  4. #4
    Neroon is offline

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    Absolutely gutted to see this site go offline for good.

    I came here as a user of Windowblinds and have learned sooo much i have moved the Themes permanently, i will miss the support and great Theme advice all here have given.

    Thank you so much for all you have done for me skillset

  5. #5
    ArdentAA is offline
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    Sex:'s so sad to hear something like this..though I was a new to this community...but I guess I've been here for almost 3 years...l learned many things and got some helpful friends...
    It's so sad that I won't be able to post my almost finished theme here..I don't know I'll be able to finish it before the virtual customs get closed down..

  6. #6
    Dark Knight is offline
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    Wow, so sad to see VC go. While I can completely understand the costs that come with running a site like this on your own, my only wish is that I had the funds available to keep it going.
    Although my profile shows a join date of 2011 , I had been a member of VC even before that , when the site got changed over to the new format , somehow or another my info got lost and I had to re-join.
    Through the years here I have met A LOT of good people and some not so much. I have had the pleasure of seeing some of the finest theme creators come through VC and design in my opinion some of the greatest themes ever created that I still enjoy, themes which I still have saved on an external drive going all the way back to Windows 7 and ports for most of those themes.

    GRiM , I want to personally thank you for creating this site and most of all for creating your HUD themes, it was a good, memorable ride. Yours and all the other themes offered by others here at VC are and will remain classic, but I fear they will fade away with Windows 11 being crammed down our throats, sure we may be able to port them partially but MS has made it so Windows 11 will never be able to be customized as previous versions of Windows were and the coming of Windows 12 will more than likely be worse. This is why I and so many other are choosing to stay with Windows 10 , so we can keep enjoying these original masterpieces.

    Times change, people change and eventually all good things must come to an end.
    So long Virtual Customs, you will most certainly be missed
    Last edited by Dark Knight; May 6th, 2023 at 01:14 PM.

    I believe in karma which means I can say all the bad things I want to you and just assume that you deserve it.

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