Quote Originally Posted by Mr GRiM View Post
OK so not exactly what I had planned for this theme, it was a bit of a challenge but I think it turned out OK, thanks for letting me have a go at it Donkuz, please alter it as much as you like and make a proper post for it if you like.


Here is my latest version of WSB for Windows 11, Import your theme and apply the "Windows 11 DWM Import Fix" stylehack and then save your theme, you can only test the theme after you first save it, not sure why it needs to do that but otherwise it will just close WSB, also make sure make regular backups of any themes in case wsb closes when saving and corrupts the msstyles.

You may want to make a shortcut to where the test files are saved in "C:\ProgramData\Windows Style Builder\Testing" it's also a good idea to unhide the ProgramData folder if for some reason you get a black screen while testing, I have found that if you can get in to the Windows recovery and open a CMP prompt you can then open regedit and from there you can access your file system if you select import and show all files, then delete the testing folder and resume back to windows and you can recover your windows installation, if you do not do this then you may have to reinstall your OS.

Always test new themes on A VM, after you have a successful import you can also use the theme on Windows 10, This version of WSB supports Windows 10 and 11, you can edit, test and save your themes on Windows 10, I have done this myself as it is more stable and also I kept getting Bluescreens when using Photoshop on the VM.
looks really amazing
but how to using this import scripts correctly because here is many files
menu 11 , win 11 import script 1-4 and windows 11dwm
we need to import all of this? or what is the correctly step for impor