Sorry for the redudancy, folks! I attempted the pasted message below twice from the theme's page and first encountered a server down for maintenance error. Second, a do you want to leave page prompt and selected yes. Ultimately I didn't see the message posted. Sorry again! Original message:

Hi Moon, everyone. Hope everyone is well. I installed this Annihilation theme back in version 21h2 and it was successful minus a few windows that didn't get the effects like my date/clock window and settings window on my W10 machine. I'd like to inquire now if I missed any files for this. Also, what exactly is the 'permanent' file for, and is it literally permanent (even after a restore point)? Also, I'm seeing way more W11 themes and I'm thinking it's time to ask how long will the W10 themes/files last and if or there will be any new ones for? Appreciate the help! Thanks! =).