Thanks again ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡. OK, System Transparency works well, but unfortunately it doesn't look nearly as good as BGE. Look at these two pictures :

Capture d

First one is BGE on my current Win 7 rig. Second one is System Transparency on my new Win 11 rig.

There are several issues :

1. System Transparency only alters transparency.
=> BGE also adds a nice blurriness effect.

2. System Transparency alters the whole window (including the top part and the bottom part), which makes it hard to see when there are several windows on top of each other.
=> BGE doesn't alter the top part and the bottom part of the window. Those two parts remain opaque.

Issue 2 is why I had to reduce transparency level (224 in System Transparency) which is why my second window appears darker. If I reached the same transparency as the first one, my system would become unusable.

I'm surprised that in 2024 nobody has come yet with a better solution, and we have to rely on old apps.
Isn't there any other way to reach the visual result that I desire ?