Quote Originally Posted by ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 View Post
some things and photos cannot be published, such as information about upcoming versions of the Windows system
in order to not be able to replace original files, all these system files would have to be locked permanently and that is not possible
it will always be possible to edit any system file, whether it is a file .mun .mui .dll .exe UIFILE .cpl and the like
it will always be possible to adapt and bypass the settings of new versions because there are always many good and experienced people who create external applications that enable these functions to become real
a clear proof is also the fact that themes for windows 11 were once not possible to use at all, as well as to modify the main cause, which was explorer.exe file explorer
new functions are constantly being added, such as mica, especially to the ExplorerPatcher or StartAllBack applications
it is certainly clear that with the arrival of Windows 12, StartAllBack will also be called differently
so that they can be distinguished and used for a specific Windows system
because each of these windows is different, whether it is windows 10, windows 11 , 12 with AI or their upcoming versions
Many thanks for the reply, your insight is always helpful ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡, i will look forward to Win 12 and Themes.