Hi to all at the forum. Can anyone tell me if SAB creates its own Taskbar, or re uses a Win 10 one.

Let me explain. I was talking to a peep on another customizing forum, and he said he seen and read something On Windows 11 DEV channel. Microsoft has implemented a new feature that kills off the ability to patch in Windows 10 parts on Windows 11. If this is true, what is the future of SAB. If it is not true, i will be sticking with SAB as i like it over its competitors.

I understand ミறѳѳղղįզվદ彡 from previous topics uses a modded Windows installation made up of several OSs Editions, and as a MS Dev, she may be the one to answer my question, but i am happy for any member who knows anything about this . I am thinking, if this is true, what direction do Theme Lovers like us, who use SAB daily move in, especially with Win 12, may thanks for any replies.