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Thread: Help customizing this theme (text and colors)

  1. #1
    XPForever is offline
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    Help customizing this theme (text and colors)

    So my journey has begun, I am using msstyleEditor as recommended but I am unable to find everything, it would be great if there was a guide somewhere that explains what each and every one of the properties do.

    I made it this far:

    Where is the parameter for the text in the dialog box in the top left? It should be white.

    How do I add the property "COLOR"? I can add TEXTCOLOR, FILLCOLOR but not just COLOR. This is present in my Win7 theme but not in Luna10. Should I just ignore this?

    Need these locations too, I changed all the pure white or pure black colors but these parts remain unaffected:


  2. #2
    Shemhamforash is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by XPForever View Post
    So my journey has begun, I am using msstyleEditor as recommended but I am unable to find everything, it would be great if there was a guide somewhere that explains what each and every one of the properties do.
    Hi XPForever you might have better luck with Vista Style Builder. Try looking through the guide here and see if you can find the areas you're talking about - Then you might want to purchase a license. Otherwise maybe you will get lucky and someone familiar with msstyleEditor can answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemhamforash View Post
    Hi XPForever you might have better luck with Vista Style Builder. Try looking through the guide here and see if you can find the areas you're talking about - Then you might want to purchase a license. Otherwise maybe you will get lucky and someone familiar with msstyleEditor can answer.
    WSB is outdated, its last version is from 2009, 6 years before Win10 was released and their forum is dead. I was recommended msstyleEditor for this reason. That guide you linked to is also from 2010, way before Win10 was out. WSB couldn't even load my Win10 msstyles file, so I'm a little confused if this is still the tool of choice for theme building.
    Last edited by XPForever; June 13th, 2024 at 02:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Shemhamforash is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by XPForever View Post
    WSB is outdated, its last version is from 2009, 6 years before Win10 was released and their forum is dead. I was recommended msstyleEditor for this reason. That guide you linked to is also from 2010, way before Win10 was out. WSB couldn't even load my Win10 msstyles file, so I'm a little confused if this is still the tool of choice for theme building.
    Understandable to think that. However, you can check Mr Grim's thread and you will find a version that is suitable to use on W10/11.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shemhamforash View Post
    Understandable to think that. However, you can check Mr Grim's thread and you will find a version that is suitable to use on W10/11.
    I see mentions of TH2 and RS1 versions of Windows 10 which I never heard of before. I am using 21H1, will that be a problem? That stylehack seemed to be released in the early Win10 days, would it work with the latest Win10? The updates constantly screw up customizations.

    Btw, I solved the dialog box text problem by selecting "Automatically pick an accent color from my background" in the Personalization > Colors settings in Windows. It's finally white like it should be.

    I solved the white background problems by copying all the settings from the DarkMode* entries into the respective regular mode entries. It seems I had to add properties to certain areas to make the white background dark. This is the biggest problem for a rookie because I can't search for a color that doesn't exist.

    So far my only remaining problems are the text in the Run window and the lack of highlighting when I hover over files in details view. I tried editing ItemsView > FOCUSRECT which I discovered is responsible for this feature yet it still doesn't work, so there must be a conflict with some other property.

    The msstyleseditor.exe is the file selected and the .reg file is the one I am hovering the mouse over. This is how it should look.
    Attachment 93606

    And this is the Luna10 theme I'm trying to modify, nothing happens when I hover over the files.
    Attachment 93607

    Any idea where I'm going wrong? Directions welcome.

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    Okay, so the problem was in Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ListView > ListItem. The BGTYPE was set to BORDERFILL instead of IMAGEFILE which is why nothing was happening. Details details.

    This was not in the guide, someone should update it.

    To add to the record, the white background I couldn't find on Save As windows was in Unknown > CommonItemsDialog > <1> and not in 1-Fonts , Colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > BtnFace : Color

    Another update that should be added to the guide. Actually, it should be rewritten entirely, it is outdated. Is this what the experts rely on? I spent the last few hours trying to find this.

    Still can't find the text on the RUN window, hoping someone here will reveal it before I go down another rabbit hole.
    Last edited by XPForever; June 16th, 2024 at 05:03 PM.


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