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Thread: Help customizing this theme (text and colors)

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    XPForever is offline
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    Okay, so the problem was in Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ListView > ListItem. The BGTYPE was set to BORDERFILL instead of IMAGEFILE which is why nothing was happening. Details details.

    This was not in the guide, someone should update it.

    To add to the record, the white background I couldn't find on Save As windows was in Unknown > CommonItemsDialog > <1> and not in 1-Fonts , Colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics > BtnFace : Color

    Another update that should be added to the guide. Actually, it should be rewritten entirely, it is outdated. Is this what the experts rely on? I spent the last few hours trying to find this.

    Still can't find the text on the RUN window, hoping someone here will reveal it before I go down another rabbit hole.
    Last edited by XPForever; June 16th, 2024 at 05:03 PM.


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